Adon Elmir has delivered several lectures in connection with both his own exhibitions and other cultural events and activities. The common intention of most lectures was to present different aspects of the artist's work and experience seen in association with the main theme of each lecture.
A brief survey of lectures
Woman in thematic art – From Ishtar to Freya
- Occasion: The exhibition 'Something about woman'
- Organizer: Roger Jonsen
- Date: March 2004
- Venue: Onkel, cultural venue, Kristiansund, Norway
The art that affects everything
- Occasion: Invitation from Sunndal Cultural Festival
- Organizer: Sunndal Cultural Festival
- Date: June 2003
- Venue: Sunndal Public Library, Sunndalsøra, Norway
Art and globalization
- Occasion: Invitation from Human-Ethic Association
- Organizer: Human-Ethic Association
- Date: May 2003
- Venue: Human-Ethic Association, Kristiansund, Norway
The invisible in art
- Occasion: Invitation from the cultural venue Humaniora
The exhibition 'About the invisible' - Organizer: The cultural venue Humaniora
- Date: March 2002
- Venue: Humaniora, cultural venue, Tustna, Norway
Art in a multicultural perspective
- Occasion: Invitation from the cultural venue Humaniora
- Organizer: The cultural venue Humaniora
- Date: February 2001
- Venue: Humaniora, cultural venue, Tustna, Norway
Culture from Latin America
- Occasion: Invitation from Amnesty International Norway
The exhibition 'Freedom' - Organizer: Amnesty International Norway
- Date: September 2000
- Venue: Posepilten, cultural venue, Trondheim, Norway
See also: Exhibitions