'Associations' (New Exhibition)

UtstillingsplakatAdon Elmir's newest and most recent exhibition 'Associations' at nettutstillingen.no is an Internet based project, and will continue in an unlimited period. The ground behind this exhibition is two earlier exhibitions 'Associations I' and 'Associations II'. The Net-Exhibition (Nettutstillingen) is a trial project within digital media and electronic art. It can be described as a kind of an artistic merge between digital art and visual art, where these two fields of art are mixed together in one combination. The project is basically intended to be a common platform for manifold artistic expressions.

More information about this project:

See also: About the exhibition | Projects by Conception

Spiritual Worlds

"The aesthetic does not necessarily treat the agreeable but the real / unreal, the conscious / unconscious, the visible / invisible and the unexpected / surprising and imaginative scenes from the mental life of human."

More about spiritual worlds in the artist statement

See also: The artist's characteristic of his own art

No Art without Content

"In an equal degree as the form, the content is a fundamental element for every kind of art. It always exists in the art work even when the form dominates the other elements."

Interview with Adon Elmir


Visions from Mythology

'Visions from Mythology' is a new painting project that Elmir works on. The basic idea of this project builds on a series of pictures, made by the artist in period 2000–2001 and bore the title 'Interpretation of Norwegian Symbols'.


Social Media


Visit also the new version of the artist's official site adonelmir.com

Adon Elmir (logo)


Norsk | عربيـة



01 January 2018